Modular Buildings


Modular Buildings From Premier

Modules are defined as the space between interior columns. A modular building (with interior columns) is designed for large buildings such as manufacturing plants, warehouses, truck terminals, and retail stores. Interior columns are either built-up 'H' columns or pipe columns. 'H' columns are mandatory in a building with a top running crane. Modular buildings combine the proven practicality of a rigid frame with almost unlimited size flexibility.

A building 100' wide or less can be designed with clearspan frames and modular frames. A portion of the building could have an unobstructed floor area, yet maintaining the cost savings of a modular building.

Modular buildings have almost total flexibility in height, width, and roof slope: building widths from 40' – 500'; eave heights from 10' – 30'; roof slopes from .25:12 to 4:12; and interior module spacing from 20' to 100'. The standard building has 8 interior modules but more are available on request. Building widths of 40' – 80' are available with the option of straight columns instead of tapered columns.

Lean-tos are also available for future expansion or additional space if the original main structure had been designed to support the additional load of a lean-to.