What No One Tells You About Building A Barndominium

Close your eyes and picture your dream Barndominium turned home sweet home. See where your windows are positioned, letting the morning light peek into your breakfast nook as you blissfully sip your coffee? See where your beloved family members arrive through the front...

Let’s Go Racing

For the second year we are proud to be a sponsor involved with this event in South Georgia. We invite all our friends from all over Georgia to join us for a great weekend of racing. Last year, Mr. Philips was honored to wave the green flag to start the race and spend...

Happy 2014 Steel Industry

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream....

Illinois Devastation and Rebuilding

Whenever there is a natural disaster that causes death and destruction our hearts stop, we check with friends, loved ones and colleagues … pause and pray for those affected and then we wonder how can we help. As humans, Americans, friends and neighbors I think...

Is the Shutdown Over?

The News Media Outlets are reporting that a deal has been reached to stop the over two week long US Governement Shutdown and avoid the US defaulting on our loans. Is it for real? And is the deal that was reached the best course of action for the greatest Country in...

Government Shutdown

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/10/10/government-shutdown-five-things-thursday-oct-10/2955867/ As we enter day 11 of the United States Govenment Shutdown we are wondering how it is impacting American Citizens around this great country. If you feel...